Some scattered thoughts...
Day 1 in Haiti has been so great. I love it here. HOM (Haiti Outreach Mission) is great. Two guys right around our age are the ones leading us this week. We're pretty excited for new friends. We are staying in a compound and to be honest, it's pretty dang nice (for a 3rd world country of course). The compound serves as a school and a church. School hasn't been in session since the earthquake (government decree). The 2 dinners, cooked by a local Haitian have been SO good. Just finished a healthy portion of goat... We eat on the rooftop. Sunsets are awesome. I will say it's extremely HOT.
Today began with church at 6 AM. Three hours of LEGIT worship. Worship here is a constant thing. From the moment we have arrived we have been surrounded with constant singing, rejoicing, and worshiping. It is BEAUTIFUL. They are happy. They are JOYFUL. They are filled with hope. They are passionate. It seems to be a major misunderstanding that this country is filled with darkness and voodoo. I know we haven't been here long and we haven't seen a lot but from what I gain this place has HOPE. There is a sense of longing for the Lord. I love the culture.
This week will be tiring. From one afternoon of constant work (sanding and painting) we're all pretty exhausted. But I love it and we are happy to do it. We're all still feeling very expectant. I love this lifestyle. I love third world countries. The community here is really cool as well. They are several other small teams doing either medical missions or construction. All different ages. We eat meals together and have devotion together. Cool to be around people from all over, all different ages, and different life experiences. To sit around and here stories from WISE people is cool.
I'll stop now. There is obviously internet connection so I will try and blog some more this week. Prayers are appreciated. And for anyone wondering.... we all feel very safe here.
Thankful thankful