Wednesday, April 8, 2009

my future

As I continue to wrestle with missions and what it looks like for my life, this quote that my dad passed along to me is right on.  

John Wesley said, "When we accept the yoke of Christ, we allow Christ to guide all that we do and all that we are, and Christ himself is our ONLY reward.  Christ has many ways for us to serve him; some are EASY, others are DIFFICULT.  Some recieve APPLAUSE; others bring only REPROACH; some we DESIRE to do because of our own interests; others seem UNNATURAL.  Sometimes we please Christ and meet our own needs; at other times we cannot please Christ unless we DENY ourselves.  Yet Christ strengthens us and gives us the power to do ALL THESE THINGS.  Therefore let us make this covenant with God our own.  Let us give ourselves completely to God, trusting in God's promises and relying on God's grace:

I give myself completely to you, God.
Assign me to my place in your creation.
Let me suffer for you.
Give me the work you would have me do.
Give me many tasks,
Or have me step aside while you call others.
Put me forward or humble me.
Give me riches or let me live in poverty.
I freely give all that I am and all that I have to you.
And now, holy God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--
You are mine and I am yours. So be it.
May this covenant made on earth continue for all eternity.

Coming from the words of my dad:  Some people take their extraordinary gifts and use them in simple ways.  Other people take their simple gifts and use them in extraordinary ways.  Some people recieve lavish praise and acknowledgment, some are completely ignored, and some are criticized.  BUT in all things, whether it is preaching, teaching, giving, praying, helping, administering, visiting, feeding, clothing, consoling, counseling, mentoring, housing, or just listening, God is glorified through these actions of His people.

As frustrated as I can become with America, I love it.  It's a country in major need and thats why our generation still needs to rise up and be difference makers.  Right now I am excited about opportunities to go to countries where the love of Christ is truly needed.  I am excited to see what the Lord is going to do through these teams.  BUT, as hard as it is, I am reminded that I have an amazing opportunity when I return to learn a profession that can impact many people's lives.  No, it won't be as much fun or as exciting as what I'm doing now, but hopefully one day it will be a blessing to people down the road. 

I do not need to worry about what I am "called" to do or what my future looks like.  I just need to be completely surrendered to Him.  If I am obedient He will place me right where I am needed.  

Thanks Dad!


  1. wow. this is amazing. i am definitely going to copy and paste this onto my computer. go mr. crane.

    love you and miss you

  2. ...that is ali. dont really know how to change that blog name
